It's time to "Possess The Land." Click the heart to learn more and participate in the 2024 Capital Campaign


IMPACT, by creating a Unity of Faith and Love.

IMPACT, by building the body of Believers one soul at a time.

IMPACT, by growing Believers to mature in their faith with sound doctrine.

IMPACT, by exemplifying Believers into disciples that seek continual spiritual growth.

IMPACT, by developing strong Believers who are secure in their faith.

IMPACT, by equipping the saints to be able to stand in the face of challenges, obstacles and the deceit of this world.

IMPACT, by empowering Believers for the work of service in the community.

IMPACT, by showing an ever increasing outward manifestation of LOVE!


   #REchurch           @EBCSTEELECREEK

 â€œLord, make me over and over again”

REnew    God & I (You)

REstore    Worship & His Word

REbuild  Trust or Relationships

REconnect .Give & Serve

REcommit   “Here am I Lord, Send Me!”

   â€œWe equip and engage Believers on a spiritual and practical road map on how to:”

Allow God to Love You & You to Love God (Again)

Attend Sunday Worship Celebration & RE - Xperience on Wednesday

Engage in Small Groups & Study Groups,
as well as, RE-Fellowship & Interest Groups
Youth Ministry,  Men, Women, Millennials, Married Couples & Seniors

Give of my God given Tithe, Talent and Time

Outreach and give back in our local community, city, state, nation and world


We share the Gospel or the “good news” so that souls will be saved and people will be lead to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior and a life of fulfillment!  However, the new HOW we share the Gospel is we must be intentionally ENGAGED: 

  • We must pursue non-traditional approaches to be more effective in reaching people, just where they are.

  • The church must seek to be and stay REVELVANT.

  • We must be willing to take risks and do things differently that really attract the un-churched and the “under churched”; yet never compromising our beliefs and convictions.

  • We must push the envelope by reaching outside of traditional norms to attract, assimilate and engage Millennials.

  • The church must utilize 21st century technology and resources to aid the church to excel in ministry and outreach.

  • We must understand that Millennials (21-39 years old) and the I-Generation (12 – 20 years old) are drawn to Christ, but the church must be intentional to assist in their spiritual growth.

  • The church must provide every generation the means to be equipped and empowered to serve, as well as, become servant leaders throughout the ministries and leadership of the church. 

  • We must seek out and establish collaborations with community organizations, non-profits & businesses; which will impact lives and establish mutually beneficial partnerships over time.

  •  The Church must address the social issues that affect the family.

  • “The Church has to redefine itself and recalibrate itself or the church will become a museum”.  Bishop Joseph Walker, III, Senior Pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church, Nashville, Tennessee,  (3) Three Campuses/Locations, 33,000 members, 17,000 average weekly Sunday attendance; including over 7,000 Millennials each week. (Including 1,500 HBCU students bused in from 9 Universities)