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We are better together

Connect Groups are small groups that meet throughout the week at different times and locations. Small groups are designed to build relationships through common interests. They exist to create connection points between those who regularly attend Chosen City Church. At the same time, small groups give us a chance to go and make disciples and be a point of light for our community. Being a part of a Connect Group is a great way to build faith, connect with others, and have a ton of fun!

Anyone can lead a small group! No matter your gifts, talents, or interests, we fully believe God has equipped you to lead a group from your strengths.


A small group is an intentional gathering - a way that we connect with each other, build the Kingdom, and make disciples. Small groups provide a source of encouragement, support and accountability as well as build community and deepen relationships.  

At Chosen City Church, we refer to our small groups as Connect Groups, and they can look like many different things - Bible studies, coffee meetups, sports groups, and even community-focused initiatives.


Once Jesus left the earth bodily, His disciples began going from people to people, meeting in houses, and forming small groups of followers that changed the world. The small group model still works today. In smaller groups, we can connect with each other on a deeper level and give our community a glimpse of the Kingdom at work in Charlotte.

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.  
Acts 2:42-27 NIV


If you are interested in leading a Connect Group, click the button below to complete the online form for the next session of Connect Groups.

Check out the Connect Groups below and sign up for one today!

Chosen City Church Connect Groups

All Connect Groups will meet once per week for 4 consecutive weeks. Each meetup will last approximately 90 minutes. The day, time, and location of each meetup will vary depending on the group.

Connect Groups will begin meeting February 24.

Sign ups for the current Connect Groups has closed. Stay tuned for the next session of Connect Groups.
If you have any questions, contact the Discipleship Ministry -

too fit to quit

Leaders: Robert Fernandez and Tramaine Ellis

When: Tuesdays - 6:30pm

Where:  Winget Park

12025 Winget Road, Charlotte, NC 28278

This group will learn how to be a good Steward over the temple God has blessed us with.


Leader: Brian Camp

When: Mondays - 6:00 pm


15935 Harbor Hill Drive Charlotte, NC 28273

This group will gather together as brothers and sisters in Christ to enjoy the art of cooking as a way to serve in God's Kingdom. We will study God's word and strengthen our faith together as a group; joining hands to help others in our community by spreading love, feeding the hungry, and comforting people in need. 

faith moves

Leader: LaVonda Kinloch

When: Saturdays - 9:30am

Where: Berewick Recreation Center

5910 Dixie River Road, Charlotte, NC 28278

This group for women seeking to express their love of God through meditation and yoga. All women are welcome, regardless of age, physical abilities or limitations. The focus of this Connect Group is on spiritual connection and self-care, and creating a supportive community.   Together we will experience the transformative power of Faith.

Crafting with a Kingdom Purpose

Leader: Colleen Damon-Duval

When: Fridays - 6:00 pm


10012 Kings Parade Drive, Charlotte, NC 28273

This group will come together to do crafting projects that can be used as evangelism tools to show Gods love to those we encounter every day.

boys to men

Leader: Bernard Dorsey

When: Saturdays - 3:00 pm

Where: Piedmont Social House

2135 Ayrsley Town Blvd.,  Suite C, Charlotte, NC 28273 

This group is for teenage boys who are coming through high school and are about to step into the world.

The faithful 

Leader:  Mary Hill

When:  Thursdays - 6:00 pm

Where:  Blu Central Event Center

920 Blu Central Road, Pineville, NC 28134

This group will discuss the magnitude of tapping into our greatest faith and achieving the objective God planned for our lives.


Leader:  Brianna Anderson

When: Tuesdays - 6:30 pm

Where: Piedmont Social House

2135 Ayrsley Town Blvd.,  Suite C, Charlotte, NC 28273 

This group is for young adults navigating the journey of self-discovery and the realities of adulthood while keeping Christ at the center.

hearts and minds

A virtual Connect Group

Leader:  Triea Settles

When: Mondays - 6:15 pm EST

Where: ZOOM

Inspiring the love of God through virtual connections. We will interact by studying God's word, playing some games, and having engaging conversations.